1. TWO

What are relationships made of? Are they meant to last? What does 'forever' truly mean? Is it a belief we inherit—a childhood dream of a lasting love?
Is mathematics a fact or is it relative? Is 1+1=2 or can it be 1+1=1 as in Tarkovsky's ‘Nostalghia'?In my most transformative relationship, I like to think that 1+1=3. After my relationship ended—the one from which I had my daughter—I found myself questioning everything. I began to see relationships as a dance, where "forever" isn’t a given. Sometimes, you dance alone; other times, with a partner. You might switch partners or move through a crowd, trying to keep your balance.
My project, TWO, explores relationships through my photographic archive. The number two is important to me, but my relationships have never returned it. Two represents balancing opposites, searching for union and separateness, and complementary forces in an eternal embrace. It captures private moments that feel universally true.